Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The scientist, Stephen Hawking: Yes, God exists!


High intelligence talks about God!

English physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, surprised the scientific community last week when he announced during a speech at Cambridge University where he actually believed that after the creation of the universe was a form of intelligence.

By introducing himself in front of the students at Cambridge University scientist world-famous Hawking said that his years of research on the creation of the cosmos have led it to set aside a factor of weird science which he says is in many ways at odds with the universal laws of physics.

This strange phenomenon which he calls "God factor", has been at the origin of the creation process and must have played a major role in determining the actual shape of the Universe.

However, his previous statements have suggested that he did not believe in God.

In his lecture, Hawking told his audience that if you find yourself trapped in a black hole, there is still hope for you. Perhaps one day the Creator  will cause a change in the force of the black hole invaluable, and you will be release.

In the end we have no reason not to believe that all this endless space where we live in, someone might be there, in any form, and that this may be our God.

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