Thursday, February 11, 2016

Einstein's theory is proved!


Einstein's theory is proved!

Scientists believe they have proved Einstein's theory of general relativity. The scientist spoke a century ago for gravitational waves, whose existence was proved just now.

Panel of scientists arrived at this conclusion while observing the alignment of time and space after the collision and merger of two black holes more than a billion light years from Earth.
The group of international scientists says this is the first time that proved the existence of those that Einstein called "gravitational waves" that are changing the space-time extension depending on the reinforcement and fading field of gravity. The greater the gravity field is, the smaller is the space-time extension and vice versa, or under the principle of Einstein, "time flows more slowly where gravity is lower."
The capture of gravitational waves is difficult because the signal arrives in poor soil, unless it is a gravitational activity "normal", but the collision of two black holes seems to have been the "talisman" of scientists.
This is the first time that the universe speaks to us through gravitational waves. So far we were deaf, "said David Reitze excited, executive director of the LIGO project, engaged in research for years.
To understand the importance of intelligence suffices to note Danzmann Karsten comment, a German physicist and one of the most significant names in this field.
"This is the biggest discovery in physics since the discovery of the Higgs particle's. This invention is for a Nobel Prize, and is nothing to be discussed about it", he says.
Albert Einstein talked about the existence of gravitational waves almost 100 years ago. Einstein predicted that if gravity in an area of ​​the universe changes abruptly as a result of an event of violent cosmic, like the explosion of a star, or in this case the collision of two black holes are created gravitational waves that spread at the speed of light in all universe, and in this process space and time are warped during their movement.
Gravitational waves were captured on September 14 last year, but the group of scientists decided to publish a report with its findings only now after consultation with a panel of 1,000 physicists and astronomers most prestigious in the world.

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