Wednesday, June 1, 2016

$14,000 Cellphone!

$14,000 Cellphone!
The company "Sirin Labs" has launched handset that says that can offer militarysecurity level and intend at businessmen who have secrets to keep.
The phone has Snapdragon 810 processor with 2 GHz speed and 8-core, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB of internal memory, five antennas with high speed internet, 23.8 MP camera, is lined with Italian leather and fingerprint sensors.
These parameters are good, but the price 14,000 dollars is justified only from high-security system that is enabled by a technology that, according to the company, is the same that the US military uses.
The handset has raised investor confidence and provided $ 72 million for further development.

Gold Investitor!

That Is The Way How a Gold Investor Thinks…
You've no doubt watched one of those end times video advancements on the Internet enlightening us, bit by bit, that our homes are going to wind up futile and our money is going to vanish nearby our retirement records and all else. This is the perfect chance to buy gold, we're told.
I get a lot of peruser mail getting some data about Porter Stansberry and his proposal on contributing for another and fundamentally more appalling cash related crisis. A couple are getting some data about equivalent (and also long) Internet recordings from James Dale Davidson.
It's extraordinary to review that these associates are promoting announcements and make their customary U.S. dollars from the likelihood of crisis. Regardless, shouldn't something be said in regards to some person who is genuinely responsible for placing assets into gold and significant metals as a noteworthy part of a goliath retirement store? Taking all things into account, the man looking through that window is Shayne McGuire. He works for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. It is the eighteenth greatest annuity game plan on the planet. It's moreover one of just a modest bunch few advantages underpins that have a bona fide obligation to gold and important metals, and a theory counseling gathering to administer it.

"To the degree I know, we're the primary store that has a given portion to gold and significant metals and a specific gold strategy separate from products," McGuire said when I went to him.
He instantly raised that it has never been more than 1 percent of benefit assets.

To put that 1 percent in connection, gold starting late spoke to only 0.6 for every penny of overall budgetary assets. So while an awesome part of the world neglects gold all around, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas sees it as an authentic, if minor, asset.

McGuire proceeded to say there were three noteworthy centers to grasp about gold.
"In any case, gold is leverage class that fights with qualities and other asset classes, generally on a weaker parity (in light of the way that) … as time goes on (time allotments like 25 years) it can't outmaneuver stocks, bonds or land.
"Second, gold tends to like dreadful news. In the occasion that houses go down, it tends to go up. It bodes well that you're wagering against the home gathering.

"Third, a lot of difficult to miss people seem to like gold, and most by far would favor not to look like them."

While the second two reasons show a lot of soft instinct on gold, McGuire and diverse veritable monetary authorities focus on the essential variable: gold as leverage class stood out from other asset classes. He then raised that, so to speak, gold is another point of interest class since it has traded as a thing just since the 1970s. In the midst of that entire period, he saw, there were bosses who trusted America and the dollar were going to tumble to a broad summary of contenders – Japan, the Middle East, an amassed Europe, creating markets and, now, China. In any case, it hasn't happened.

"What may a dollar crash mean? What may rise? Yes, in case it happens, gold would probably rise," McGuire said. That, he appeared, would interest, yet not earthshaking.

"I don't think gold is an end times asset class," he included. "For that you require water, sustenance, fuel, ammunition and a Bible."
There was, he said, a telling scene in Cormac McCarthy's post-prophetically cataclysmic novel "The Road" where the father is encountering an abandoned underground stronghold. Here's the methods by which the scene examines:
"In the base of a noteworthy plastic container of latches and screws and different gear he found a twofold unassuming bundle of gold krugerrands in a material sack. He dumped them out and rubbed them in his grip and looked at them and a while later scooped them at the end of the day into the compartment close by the gear and set the container back on the rack."

He also found shots. In any case, he never found what he really required – a weapon.

"The possibility that gold is an Armageddon asset is a present day thought. It would not have seemed well and great to J.P. Morgan. It was money, a store of value. However today we consider Armageddon when we consider gold. Irrefutably, that essentially doesn't look good. Long earlier it was an unchallenged store of wealth to pass money from period to time."

Thusly, when you set paying little mind to the sensation, gold is basically one more asset, a minor asset at that, and a careful money related authority has some – as a less than dependable rule more, every so often less, yet a couple.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Living The Rich Life!
This Super Model have all she wants in life. The body, the beauty, and of course an amazing life, full of good things. All she have to do is to enjoy life, all we can do is to enjoy her performance on this video!
We always want your opinion on things we share. Is this the best video you have seen? Tell us in comments and share the video if you liked it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"YOGA" Motivation, Video Of The Day!

Motivation Video Of The Day!
More young ladies are honing yoga. To have a casual personality and body. 
Difficult to accept yet those activities that look simple to be done are hard in fact. Some of the time they swing to be a major ordeal to handle. You need to center and keep the parity in every activity.
That is barely to say that young men can stay centered while watching this video. Young ladies on shorts doing their workout routine might be extremely damaging to a kid's psyche.
In any case, yet this remaining parts to be an inspiration video to every one of the young ladies out there. The ones who need to have their bodies fit as a fiddle.

We always want your opinion on things we share. Is this the best motivation video you have seen? Tell us in comments and share the video if you liked it.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A 1109 carat diamond as a tennis ball!!

A Diamond as a tennis ball.

The largest diamond discovered in more than a century appeared in an exhibition in New York. Called "Lesedi la Rona" (Our Light) it is a 1,109 carat diamond and has the size of a tennis ball.
While the auction that will be held in London on June 29, the value of that is expected to reach a figure of 70 million dollars. The diamond was found in a dry area and sparsely populated South Africa, which relies heavily on diamond mining.
"This is something phenomenal. It's unbelievable, this is the largest diamond discovered in the last 100 years. It is almost unbelievable. If you can imagine the number of places on this planet where there are diamonds as Australia, Canada, Russia, South Africa or Brazil, this is the greatest discovery of the century, is truly unique, "said David Bennett.
While the largest diamond ever found is the Cullinan, a 3,106-carat gem, also found in the Premier Mine in South Africa in 1905.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

TOP 10 Best University In The World !

TOP 10 Best University In The World !

QS World University ended in late April ranking of the best universities in the world for 2015.
Statistics have issued the list of 10 best performers US universities, British and some inflows from other European countries.
Below is the list of 10 best performers according to QS; Their selection is based on research and teaching quality, ranking is made by specialists of Higher Education.

1. Stanford University US

2. Harvard University US

3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US

4. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) US

5.Imperial College London United Kingdom

6. University of Cambridge United Kingdom

7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US

8. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland

8. University of Oxford United Kingdom

9. Carnegie Mellon University US

10. University of Michigan US

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Who want to try ..?

Wrestling with a big Girl !!
This video show a match of wrestling between a normal size guy and a plus size girl.The guy is in serious difficulties during this match, because the girl is wearing bikini and making this match fascinating. And in the end the girl win this match .Who want to try?
You liked this video ? Tell us more in the comments down below and also don’t forget to share it with your friends. For more awesome videos feel free to visit our website. You will find everything you want there. New videos are coming up every day.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Meet the barber you will fall in love with!

Meet the barber you will fall in love with!

You want a full service haircut, you can try this barber, not like all the barbers out there but i'm sure you will go at her for haircut even you've done that a day before at your personal barber. Enjoy the way she will style your hair
You liked this amazing video? Tell us more in the comments down below and also don’t forget to share it with your friends. For more awesome videos feel free to visit our website. You will find everything you want there. New videos are coming up every day.

Monday, April 11, 2016

It's time to start the gym!

Who needs some motivation for gym?
You want to go at the gym but you are lazy? We will show you a good reason for you to go at the gym as soon as possible! Summer is coming, so you know that your body is not ready yet, the beach is waiting for you but you know that you are not proud about your body, of course because you ate all that unhealthy food, and you drank every beer that you saw in front of you! And what we do? We end up depressed with the desire to go at the gym as soon as possible.If you haven't found the right motivation, here is a good video for you.
Did you get the right vibes? Do you feel more motivated right now? Tell us on the comments and share the video with your friends, we are sure that they need some motivation too! Enjoy the video, and don't forget: Today is the day for gym!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Now we can catch spy drones!

The gun "Sky-Wall" stops drone aircraft.

Almost every month a new drone and advanced seem to appear with new design and new performance features. Similarly, insurance companies are trying to take these advancements with countermeasures for stopping the drone, and the last is Sky-Wall.
Openworks Engineerin based in United Kingdom is offering a device that looks like a gun from a scene of Terminator 2 as a means to neutralize the drones who spy on people famous, threaten the safety of government officials and used to transport smuggled illegal. "Sky-Wall provides a physical barrier to heaven, "reads the description of the company's equipment. "The system can be refilled fast, allowing some of drones prohibited by a single operator."
The most important characteristic of Sky-Wall is that it not only prevents a drone but as soon as she caught the plane drone, it sets a mini-parachute, reducing aircraft to land without damage, allowing authorities to keep it untouched for ongoing investigations.
In terms of accuracy, Sky-Wall, which is basically a weapon form as compressed air launcher, uses a Smart-Scope equipped with laser to get the target and shoots a missile towards intelligent drone aircraft. Once shells intelligent drone plane reaches it emits a net at the right moment to stop drone aircraft flight.
The device operates in a space of 330 feet, and operates with a noise level that the company calls "near silence" and can be recharged in just 8 seconds. Open-Works shows how the device functions in the following video.
The plan to publicly demonstrate next week in Security and Policing Event of the Ministry of Justice in the United Kingdom, the company hopes to see the first commercial version of the device prototype in 2016.
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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Giant drone that carries people!

Giant drone that carries people!
A team of students from the National University of Singapore have created the first personal flying machine, called Snowstorm.
Snowstorm is an electric aircraft that can be raised and lowered vertically, and can be controlled by a person.

The vehicle, which looks like a giant drone, has place only for one person, and is equipped with 24 screw that are placed on a hexagonal skeleton. The giant drone has six wheels that help to lower to the ground.

Electric vehicle can only fly for five minutes, and only indoors. He has a bad side that does not provide safeguards for the person who sits on it, so a crash could result fatal.
Despite this, Snowstorm can serve as inspiration for others to develop personal aircraft that we can use in the real world.
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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Meet the most destructive weapon, 1 million shots per minute!

1 Million shots per minute!

Machine gun with the greatest power of the fire, which is still in military use, is "M134 Minigun".
This gun, designed in the late 1960s for helicopters and armored vehicles - according to the Guinness Book of Records - 6000 has capacity of shots per minute, or 100 shots per second.
What else to say, "M134 Minigun" is really frightening weapons which produces ten times more 7.62mm caliber bullets than a normal machine gun
However, despite his formidable capacity - the machine gun today may seem a simple toy, compared with other deadly concoction.
Below  we present ''The Metal Storm Gun'', the prototype of a devastating weapon with 16,000 shots per second , respectively 1 million such minute. 
This automatic weapons, respectively automatic system was  developed by a company of arms from Australia with the same name.
In 2007, Metal Storm Inc. signed a contract to supply the US Army with this type of deadly weapon, which right now is dedicated to warships, naval Well, reports Business Insider.

In the  video material that we brought  below could see this weapon work looks really scary .
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Friday, February 19, 2016

Selena Gomez between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ?!


The legendary hollywood couple Angelina and Brad Pitt couldn't escape from the gossip whirlpool.

Sources close to the couple talk about jealousy Jolie, as she and her husband entered another name, which is being known to the public. It is about the actress and singer Selena Gomez.

After the ceremony the "Boston Globe", it has been a close relation between the 52-year-old and 23-year-old Gomez. However, there are rumors that Brad and Selena are back on good friends, a fact that does not seem at all Angelina Jolie comforts.

But apart from this gossip , it seems that they are not in their best days. Their different cinematographic projects have tear them miles apart.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Einstein's theory is proved!

Einstein's theory is proved!

Scientists believe they have proved Einstein's theory of general relativity. The scientist spoke a century ago for gravitational waves, whose existence was proved just now.

Panel of scientists arrived at this conclusion while observing the alignment of time and space after the collision and merger of two black holes more than a billion light years from Earth.
The group of international scientists says this is the first time that proved the existence of those that Einstein called "gravitational waves" that are changing the space-time extension depending on the reinforcement and fading field of gravity. The greater the gravity field is, the smaller is the space-time extension and vice versa, or under the principle of Einstein, "time flows more slowly where gravity is lower."
The capture of gravitational waves is difficult because the signal arrives in poor soil, unless it is a gravitational activity "normal", but the collision of two black holes seems to have been the "talisman" of scientists.
This is the first time that the universe speaks to us through gravitational waves. So far we were deaf, "said David Reitze excited, executive director of the LIGO project, engaged in research for years.
To understand the importance of intelligence suffices to note Danzmann Karsten comment, a German physicist and one of the most significant names in this field.
"This is the biggest discovery in physics since the discovery of the Higgs particle's. This invention is for a Nobel Prize, and is nothing to be discussed about it", he says.
Albert Einstein talked about the existence of gravitational waves almost 100 years ago. Einstein predicted that if gravity in an area of ​​the universe changes abruptly as a result of an event of violent cosmic, like the explosion of a star, or in this case the collision of two black holes are created gravitational waves that spread at the speed of light in all universe, and in this process space and time are warped during their movement.
Gravitational waves were captured on September 14 last year, but the group of scientists decided to publish a report with its findings only now after consultation with a panel of 1,000 physicists and astronomers most prestigious in the world.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The scientist, Stephen Hawking: Yes, God exists!

High intelligence talks about God!

English physicist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, surprised the scientific community last week when he announced during a speech at Cambridge University where he actually believed that after the creation of the universe was a form of intelligence.

By introducing himself in front of the students at Cambridge University scientist world-famous Hawking said that his years of research on the creation of the cosmos have led it to set aside a factor of weird science which he says is in many ways at odds with the universal laws of physics.

This strange phenomenon which he calls "God factor", has been at the origin of the creation process and must have played a major role in determining the actual shape of the Universe.

However, his previous statements have suggested that he did not believe in God.

In his lecture, Hawking told his audience that if you find yourself trapped in a black hole, there is still hope for you. Perhaps one day the Creator  will cause a change in the force of the black hole invaluable, and you will be release.

In the end we have no reason not to believe that all this endless space where we live in, someone might be there, in any form, and that this may be our God.

Is that an interesting news?
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Saturday, February 6, 2016

8 million dollar super car!

The most expensive super car produced so far!
In 2004 a luxury German car brand named Maybach built the unique super car Maybach Exelero. This car have 700hp with a twin-turbo, and with power can reach a speed 217mph (351km/h). For the first time Maybach Exelero was tested on May 2015 and racing driver Klaus Ludwig drove the Maybach Exelero fitted with Fulda tires in Nardo/Italy and attained a speed of 351.45 km/h – setting a new world speed record for limousines on series-production tires. Maybach Exelero was inspired by Mercedes-Benz engineers. The Maybach Exelero is definition of speed, luxury and comfort. Also this super car is the most expensive car built so far. The price is average to 8 million dollar, and this is a limited edition produced, only six prototypes. The first who bought this car was rapper Birdman, in 2011 he paid 8 million dollar to have this super car. A dream super car that only 6 billionaires can have it, the others just can enjoy the view.
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Brinicle, Underwater Icicle!

brinicle (brine icicle, also known as ice stalactite) forms beneath sea ice when a flow of extremely cold, saline water is introduced to an area of ocean water, being the undersea equivalent of a hollow stalactite or icicle.
The formation of a brinicle was first filmed in 2011 by producer Kathryn Jeffs and cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for the BBC series Frozen Planet.


At the time when a brinicle starts to created it resembles a pipe of ice reaching down from the underside of a layer of sea ice. Inside the pipe is the super cold, super saline water being produced by the growth of the sea ice above, accumulated through brine channels. At first, a brinicle is very fragile; its walls are thin and it is largely the constant flow of colder brine that sustains its growth and hinders its melt that would be caused by the contact with the less cold surrounding water. However, as ice accumulates and becomes thicker, the brinicle becomes more stable. A brinicle can, under the proper conditions, reach down to the sea floor. To do so, the flow of super cold brine from the pack ice overhead must continue, the surrounding water must be significantly less saline than the brine, the water cannot be very deep, the overhead sea ice pack must be still, and currents in the area must be minimal or still. If the surrounding water is too saline, its freezing point will be too low to create a significant amount of ice around the brine plume. If the water is too deep, the brinicle is likely to break free under its own weight before reaching the sea floor. If the icepack is mobile or currents too strong, strain will break the brinicle. Under the right conditions, including favorable ocean floor topography, a brine pool may be created. However, unlike brine pools created by cold seeps, brinicle brine pools are likely to be very transient as the brine supply will eventually cease.On reaching the sea floor, it will continue to accumulate ice as surrounding water freezes. The brine will travel along the sea floor in a down-slope direction until it reaches the lowest possible point, where it will pool. Any bottom-dwelling sea creatures, such as starfish or sea urchins can be caught in this expanding web of ice and be trapped, ultimately freezing to death.                                                                                                                          Source: Wikipeda


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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

6 Awesome machines that make workers life easier!

1. Rotary snowplow

rotary snowplow is a piece of railroad snow fighting equipment with a large circular set of blades on its front end that rotate to cut through the snow on the track ahead of it. The precursor to the rotary snowplow was the wedge snowplowThe rotary was invented by Toronto, Ontario, Canada dentist J.W. Elliot in 1869. He never built a working model or prototype, although he wanted to.In 2001, the rotary snowplow was inducted into the North America Railway Hall of Fame. The hall of fame recognizes and establishes and enduring tribute to the people and things that have made significant contribution relating to railway industry in North America. The rotary snowplow was inducted in the "Technical Innovations" category with "National" significance.

2. Tiger stone

The amazing machine, named Tiger-Stone, can create an instant road wherever it travels, laying out bricks in formation to create perfect paving.While the process may look magical, the secret behind the invention lies in a smartly-designed gravity-based system.All a worker has to do is load the bricks by hand from a hopper into the Tiger-Stone in the desired pattern. From there gravity causes them to slide together, in a sheet of paving, onto the ground.Brick roads have long been sought-after due to their attractiveness and durability but have become less common because of the labour-intensive work that goes into laying them, compared to other road surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. However, with a Tiger-Stone workers are able to lay out 400 square meters of new road every day, using paving stones or bricks, compared to a single conventional paver on their hands and knees who would only be able to manage between 75 and 100 square meters.

3. Replacing the sleepers without removing the rails

Railroad tracks are made of three main parts: the long steel rails that the trains run on, wooden or concrete railroad ties (US) or sleepers (UK), and the track ballast that helps bear a train’s weight and keeps the track clear of plants. As a part of track maintenance, sleepers might need replacement, but they’re under the rails and crushed rock. How do you get them out? The machine uses its sleeper changer attachment to push the ballast away before grabbing the concrete sleeper to remove it. The rails are never disturbed. Watch as each step of the track rehabilitation process is explained, including how the sleepers are reattached to the rails using rail fastening clips before the ballast is smoothed back out.

4. Segmental bridge construction machine

This colossal machine is called the SLJ900/32, or the Segmental Bridge Launching Machine. Created by Beijing Wowjoint Machinery Co, it can build this viaduct by extending beyond the installed segments to span to the next support, and roll the next pre-made bridge segment into place.

5. Barrier transfer machines

Barrier transfer machines, also known as zipper machines or road zipper, are heavy vehicles used to transfer concrete lane dividers, which are used to relieve traffic congestion during rush hours.The vehicle contains an S-shaped channel in its undercarriage which lifts the barrier segments (which may weigh over 1,000 pounds (454 kg) off the road surface and transfers them over to the other side of the lane, reallocating traffic lanes to accommodate increased traffic for the currently dominant (peak) direction. These barriers are linked together with steel connectors to create a sturdy but flexible safety barrier.

6. Rallway construction machine

For the control and monitoring system of a new generation of railway lines electrification machines, Italian-based company Tesmec chose TTControl as technology partner for the constant tension stringing unit and the catenary maintenance diagnostic unit. By using TTControl's HY-eVision operator interface together with an HY-TTC 94 ECU and four HY-TTC 48X I/O modules, it was possible to integrate and manage all different functions of the catenary maintenance diagnostic unit. Additionally, a modular, flexible and adaptable system has been established thanks to the versatility and configurability of TTControl’s control units.

Click the video below to watch all these awesome machines

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Enjoy her moves!

Try to not focus at the part she's moving!
Twerking is not just a type of dance, we can say it's art, an amazing art. This girl in the video is Lexy Panterra, and is obviously the champ of moving just specific parts of body. Her moves are special skills, and not all of the girls out there can do this art. Just look at that body moving , spinning, bouncing around. It's pretty cool watching this girl dancing, and the forms of her body, that must to say are perfect. She can synchronize the rhythm of the music with the moves of her body, in the way that not of all girls out there can do! So for sure the only thing we can say is that not every girl can dance like this. You think this dance is amazing? 
Tell us more in the comments down below and also don’t forget to share it with your friends. For more awesome videos feel free to visit our website. You will find everything you want there. New videos are coming up every day.

When two professional dancers get married!

Not a wedding like all others out there!
At first looks like the couple of this wedding is going to dance this romantic song, but it's not started yet the real dance. Its amazing to see how this couple turn their wedding in a professional dancing, and having fun. They know so good how to move, and to be "one" in this dance, with some different genres and music. They know very well how to synchronize their moves, and showing that they are real professionals in dancing. The wedding guests felt amazed of the performance of this lovely couple. In the end of this video we can say it loud that the love can do amazing things. A big applause for this couple, that know how to have fun, at the one of the most important day of their life.
Watch the video above and if you like it, make sure to share it and like our page on Facebook for amazing videos everyday!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Live everyday like it's your last!!

Don't think about two things: Yesterday and Tomorrow!
You are at work, stressful and full of  pessimism, yea this video is the solution to make you feel like you are on the middle of the summer, and you are enjoying the sun, the sea, and the life full of amazing experiences. This video also make you feel better and think positive in life, there are many reasons to have an amazing time, around people and beautiful places. If you are ready for the next summer this video is just a warming up, for all these things you haven't the possibility to do in the last summer, and to turn your good memories, about what happened last summer for you. But don't forget that to have this kind of life you must have money enough to spend, and this is possible only if you work hard, or luckily your dad have money to give you. Enjoy the video and don't forget to share it with your friends and tell them that the next summer will be definitely more crazy and amazing.

Too much snow in one place!

Walking into giant walls of snow!
There is a place in Japan called Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, where the height of the snow is 19 m in some seasons, and the mountain is located at an attitude of 2400 m! The Alpine Route is a spectacular scenic passage over the Japanese Alps connecting Nagano Prefecture’s Omachi with Toyama Prefecture and the Sea of Japan. This is an area of immense snowfall, and when the road opens in mid May, it is surrounded on both sides by walls of snow 10 meters tall. Special hybrid busses carry amazed passengers from the Toyama side to Murodo, which is the starting point to climb the peak of Mount Tateyama, one of Japan’s Three Sacred Mountains. From Murodo, the route conveys people on an exciting variety of transportation including cable car and ropeway to massive Kurobe Dam then through a 6.1 km tunnel (an amazing engineering feat) to the Omachi side.

Enjoy this video and don't forget to share it with your friends, and if you find something interesting comment it down below. We welcome and appreciate your comments.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

All these girls know how to move!

Playing Hula Hooping with hot girls!
Summer is the best time of the year! You can go to the beach, to enjoy the sun, the sea, and another thing sure not starting with the letter "S", but I think is the most important in summer, "girls". This video show happy girls playing "Hula hooping". Not all of them are good at it, but we're not saying they're not good to shake their "back". The secret of success in this game is to have a flexible body, and of course a thin belly! But doesn't matter if they do not have one of these components you will like all of them, even they fail. So enjoy these amateur performances.
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This is my dream women should do this to men all the time !!

If Women Catcalled Men

This video shows how boys will react if the girls act like boys.They would probably be confused. Boys do not know how to react to their behavior. It is easy to do the role of a guy, you just have to  This creates funny moments.
Enjoy this video,and if you like that kindly tell us more in the comments below and also don’t forget to share it with your friends. For more cool videos feel free to check out our website. You will find everything you need there.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Be careful,this baby lion is so "dangerous" LOL

Baby lion "attacks" a girl.
Lion is one of the most "dangerous" animal on the planet. His "attack" can be fatal, his teeth and his mouth are so big. For that his called like "King of animals". We are talking for the lions that are living out there, because our lion on the video is one of the most cute animal, his just a big cat, with big teeth, and his attack can bring just joy and funny moments. But carefully because one day this baby lion will be like his dad and then his bite will be not anymore fun. Enjoy this video of this girl "playing" with this baby lion.
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